News from Windhorse Publications

I shall be continuing in an advisory role, and Vidyadevi will be continuing to help with books by Bhante and some of the other books for the movement. Caroline and Sarah will be continuing to manage the office, production, marketing and sales. In addition, Lee Walford now works one day a week looking after the finances. So we are well placed with staffing for 2010 and have a strong team to take us forward.
"By the time you read this, Windhorse will have moved offices out of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre and into rented office accommodation in nearby Mill Road. The Buddhist Centre did not have enough room for the additional staff and needed more space themselves. The new office has much more space and is conveniently situated quite close to the station (and a rather good cafe!) The telephone number and email address stay the same.

Life with Full Attention by Maitreyabandhu,
Meaning in Life by Sarvananda,
Vegetarianism by Bodhipaksa and
Saving the Earth by Akuppa.
"These books have made a promising start and have been received enthusiastically by book shops during sales visits.
"Bhante's new book, Living Ethically, needs a reprint shortly, which is also very pleasing. Our other recent title is 'Visions of Mahayana Buddhism' by Nagapriya which is a great introduction to this inspiring tradition. You should find it in most FWBO Centre bookshops - or you can order it direct from us.
"Looking forward to 2010, we shall be publishing 'The Story of the FWBO' by Vajragupta, starting to publish books to use with the new FWBO-wide Dharma Study Course for mitras, and reissuing some of Bhante's books with new introductions in a new 'Sangharakshita Classics' series, as well as hopefully some other new titles. Also we shall be revamping the web site.
"Our main challenge is still money. It takes a lot of juggling to pay the bills. So we shall be exploring ways to increase our sales and funding. Of course donations are always welcome, but you can also help by buying books from your Centre book shop or directly from us at . Also if you have ideas for new books, please get in touch.
"With your help we can thrive in 2010 and beyond.
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