Connecting with Buddhist youth – in India, and beyond…

“India’s National Network of Buddhist Youth (NNBY) is one of several projects that Dhammakranti have started. So far two national gatherings have been successfully organized. The groups of young men and women known as Task Groups are formed in various parts of India; these task groups organize trainings and events for the benefit of youth. Besides Dhamma teaching events they organise many activities that address the life concerns of youth. As well as this, leadership trainings are organized for leaders amongst the youth. Regional and national gatherings bring many of them together and keep the inspiration alive.
“I have been trying to get this Youth Network connected to other Buddhist youth organizations both East and West. Getting involved with the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth (WFBY) has been a great step forwards for us; it is one of the important ways to reach out to the Far Eastern Buddhist world.

“This visit was very successful in terms of meeting Dhamma teachers working amongst youth and young people from 9 different countries. Through such connections the NNBY back in India will be creating strong bonds with traditional Buddhist countries and will be able to share the essence of the Dhamma with the unique approach of Sangharakshita and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
“Back in India we have great plans for 2008; we were recently fortunate to obtain a grant from the FWBO Growth Fund in UK. This will help us do most though not all of what we are hoping in 2008. However they have told us they will not be able to give anything in 2009 so we have an urgent need to fundraise – both to fulfill our vision for 2008 and for stability in the future.
"Please see our fundraising page; this gives more details on our five-point program for 2008 and also allows you to donate immediately. It is so important that we engage the youth of today in the Dhamma Revolution. You can help us in this. We are appealing for just over UK 4,000 pounds.
“Thank you. Dh. Kumarajiv
“Thank you. Dh. Kumarajiv
Labels: Dhammakranti, India, Singapore, Youth