New FWBO groups in Peterborough, UK - and beyond

The new Peterborough group is open to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike and will offer drop in classes in Buddhist meditation followed by discussions around Buddhism and issues relevant to contemporary life.
Jayasiddhi who is involved in helping to set up the class said: “it’s very exciting starting a new group like this. You never know how it is going to develop. We have already received some strong interest and I’m looking forward to making new connections in the Peterborough area. Unfortunately the photo isn't of the new centre - it's Peterborough's marvellous cathedral. But one day - who knows?!”
The first meeting is on Monday 24th March at the Friends Meeting House, 21 Thorpe Road, Crescent Bridge in Peterborough and the group will meet on Monday nights thereafter. Classes start at 7pm. All welcome.
More details at the FWBO Peterborough group website . The FWBO groups in Brazil (Sao Paulo) , South London (Brixton) and South Bristol also have new websites - check them out at Sao Paulo, Brixton and South Bristol respectively.
As, one by one, we make our own committment,
An ever-widening circle, the Sangha grows...
Labels: Cambridge, Dharmaduta, Peterborough, UK