New Students arrive at Nagaloka in India

Nagaloka is TBMSG’s training centre on the outskirts of Nagpur, in Central India. Every year it takes a batch of young Buddhist men and women from all over India and gives them a year-long intensive training in both the Dhamma and basic social work – plus marketable skills such as NVC (Non-Violent Communication). After completing the course, some stay for further training while the majority return home and begin to do what they can for the Dhamma in their local areas. In this way a network of over 200 has built up, an India-wide network that is gathering strength every year.
Vivekaratna, Nagaloka’s Director, has written to FWBO News to say –
“The Inauguration Ceremony of the VIIth batch was held at Nagaloka on 6th July 2008. This year we have 67 Trainees, it is a special year for us because so many of them are female – in total we have 23 Female & 44 Male. They come from 14 states of India – this is great news. In addition 6 Trainees from 6th Batch have stayed on and joined the community in Nagaloka.
You can see photographs of Nagaloka on the FWBO Photos site here, and a detailed map, produced in 2007, of all TBMSG groups across India here.
Labels: Dharmaduta, engaged buddhism, India, Nagarjuna, Nagpur, women