The FWBO's
Dublin Buddhist Centre has moved - to some great new premises!
Vajrashura has sent us a copy of a letter that's gone out to the Dublin Sangha on behalf of the Centre Team, we reproduce it here to give you a glimpse of what's going on over there... He says -
Dear Friends,
I hope you’re well and happy. Much has happened in the past few months in the Dublin Buddhist Centre and there has been lots of change!
The main event, of which I’m sure you’re already aware, is that we are now in our new home of Liberty Corner on James Joyce Street. Our courses kicked off on Monday 31st March with Pavara leading the first yoga class and two days later I handed back the keys of our old centre on Leeson Street to the landlords there. I felt sad at leaving it one last time - it’s been a place of much growth for me personally and for the Sangha generally, and I’m sure we all have fond memories of it. But at the same time I’m quite excitied about the new place, it’s a really lovely Centre and I feel it will provide us with much more potential and scope for our community to grow and develop.
If you haven’t seen the new place, do feel free to call in at any time to check it out. And just to say thanks to all of you who helped out in whatever way with the new Centre project, whether it was in the fundraise, the move itself or just your general support. It is much appreciated.
I’d also like to say to say a particular thank you to Dayananda, Aksobhin, Karunadaka and Prajnagita. Dayananda was our architect, and as well as running his own full-time architectural business, he designed and guided the building work free of charge. Without him, this whole project and the way it happened would not have been possible. He was very ably aided by Aksobhin, whose contribution to the project has also been immense. Prajnagita organised the fundraise, doing a great job to make the funds available to purchase the centre and helped in many other ways too. The ways in which Karunadaka has contributed are too numerous to mention... But suffice it to say that it was his vision which has led the new Centre project from the beginning, and he continues to play a valuable part in where the centre is going. And on Friday 9th May we’ll be having a special rejoicing in merits for Karunadaka, celebrating all the work he’s done in the Centre over the past ten years, in particular his work as Chairman.
So what’s next for the Centre? We’re now entering what feels like a ‘phase 2’, where the more immediate concerns of finance and building work are over, and it’s more a case of tweaking both how we run things and finalising smaller things like signage, furniture, etc. Courses are underway, and generally they seem to be going well. Our meditation courses are full and while the yoga has taken small dip (which is to be expected when you move premises), there’s much potential for yoga classes in the area. We’re still getting to know the area, which is certainly more colourful than Leeson Street! But I feel there’s a liveliness here that wasn’t present there, and that's definitely a positive thing.
In terms of what we’ve planned for the near future: on Friday 6th June we’ll be having the official Sangha opening for the new Centre - a night where we’ll be both looking back over the history of the DBC, as well as throwing an eye to the future and where we’re headed. As well as this evening, we’ll be in contact with local community groups, introducing ourselves and building links with the local community. And we’ll be looking at how best to utilise our new Centre, exploring what new courses we can run, and in particular how to use having a second shrine room to the best effect.
Of course we’ll also be running all our usual courses, retreats and events. Just to draw particular attention to a couple of these - the Summer Retreat will run in early July and will be lead by Sinhaketu and myself, and should be well worth coming on. Also, I’d like to mention the
International FWBO Retreat which will take place over a long weekend in May - this will be a great opportunity to have an experience of the wider FWBO mandala and there will be a few of heading over to it if you’d like to travel with us.
Much metta, Vajrashura (on behalf of the Centre team)
Dublin Buddhist Centre (FWBO)
Liberty Corner, 5 James Joyce Street, Dublin 1
Labels: Dublin