Darklings dance at the Brighton Buddhist Centre
With the help of 15 volunteers, Lucy Barron and Ady Griffiths designed and created 12 dancing skeletons, or ‘Darklings’ – inspired by images they’d seen of Tibetan Buddhist Skeleton dancers, and based around ‘The Wheel of Life’ which has been the Brighton Buddhist Centre’s Carnival theme since 2007.
The skeletons danced their way around Brighton – amusing, scaring, befriending, playing and performing 8 choreographed dances -which included elements of improvisation and audience participation. The costume creation process encouraged a sense of working together on a creative project in the Sangha which then spread out into the city community - Buddhists being very visible in the community in a positive, fun, participative way!
And - best of all - they won the Second Best Small Carnival Band award! Over 20,000 people were estimated to have come to the Carnival Village with 800 people parading - 28 different community groups and bands.

To see more images go to Ady's website www.inspiringarts.co.uk or www.brightonbuddhistcentre.co.uk
For more information contact Ady Griffiths at info@inspiringarts.co.uk
"As inspiration shines through you
Imagination alights the beauty and truth within you..."
"The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life and elevating them into art"-Unknown