The FWBO's
Manchester Buddhist Centre is a large and lively centre, housed in a wonderful seven-storey Victorian warehouse in the centre of Manchester. We share this building with four TBRLs: Bodywise, Breathworks, Clear Vision and Earth Café, as well as a men’s community.
We see all these elements as a mandala, offering the people of Manchester and beyond a vision of a different kind of life, based on the Three Jewels.
The wider MBC sangha also includes a women’s community and other men’s communities.
Our ideal Chair would be full time a good leader an inspirational figure a follower of Bhante and a capable Dharma teacher. Experienced in the Order and institutions of the Movement, they would also be energetic motivated good with people in touch with spiritual inspiration capable of being a figurehead in our local community and holding the vision of the trustees.
Is this you?
Please contact
Ratnaguna, who will forward your name to the trustees, or phone him on +44 (0)161 708 0228
Labels: Buddhist Centre, Manchester, UK