Finding 10,000 rupees in Poland - an update from Sanghaloka

He says -
“Rather than bore you with details of day-to-day events at Sanghaloka in Krakow I thought I'd tell you how it is for me to be running this place (with Sassirika, Santaka and others of course).
“It’s like finding a large banknote on the street (say 50 pounds, or 100 euro or 10,000 rupees). Suddenly one feels strangely and unexpectedly fortunate - owning a little fortune. The difference is that with Sanghaloka I feel like that almost daily.
“The greatest pleasure is meeting the people that come and getting to know those that stay and come regularly. Sometimes I don't feel like doing the admin or updating the website, or even teaching meditation or co-leading courses with Santaka. But once I start these things are so incredibly rewarding that it does feel like finding whole bags of money on the street.
“I can't think of doing anything better with my life - I can only think how to do better what I - what we here - are already doing.
The Sanghaloka website, is actually a substantial Polish Dharma resource - and there’s more, on meditation, on the Polish edition of the Wildmind site,
The photographs are from recent Sanghaloka retreats in Poland. Nityabandhu is in the centre of the top photo.
Sadhu! - and “Przyjaciele Zachodniej Wspólnoty Buddyjskiej” (as they say in Krakov!)
Labels: Dharmaduta, Poland
Nityabandhu, I remember our conversations about finding money in the streets of Birmingham you definitely took this further and back home!
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