Second helpings at Bristol's 'Compassion in the Kitchen' project

“We just had our 2nd "Compassion in the Kitchen" ethical eating retreat, led by Achintya and myself, and thought readers of FWBO News would be interested.
"Last year saw our first vegan cooking retreat ‘seasoned with Buddhist meditation and study’, and the second in the series was equally successful. Run by Jane and Achintya in a way that challenged preconceptions but didn’t moralise, we had huge fun. Everyone left with new skills and recipes as well as information about the issues.

Jane Easton is a mitra at the Bristol Buddhist Centre and South Bristol Meditation Group, who works as Food and Cookery Consultant for Viva! and the Vegetarian Foundation. She has a wide experience of cooking and writing about vegan food.
Achintya has been a Buddhist since 1980 and was ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in 2000. He teaches at the South Bristol Meditation group. He is also a practicing Counsellor. Achintya has studied Mindfulness with Bangor University and is involved in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) training events across the UK.
Labels: Bristol, engaged buddhism, vegan
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