FWBO International Urban Retreat update: talks uploaded and Facebook event launched

The FWBO International Urban Retreat starts this Saturday, with over 40 FWBO Centres around the world participating - plus another 250 or more people on Facebook.
To help illustrate the internationality of the event - and of the FWBO Sangha as a whole - a series of talks and videos is gradually being uploaded to the retreat website www.theurbanretreat.org.
These are short '10-minute-talks' by Order Members around the world, each talking about their life and practice. Already up are three very different talks by three widely-separated Dharmacharinis:
Karunaprabha (an Indian woman Order Member) telling the story of how her love of medicine led her to the Dharma;
Viveka, chair of the FWBO's San Francisco Buddhist Center describing, in a very personal talk, the challenges and opportunities in the areas of marriage, work and ethnicity; and
Suvarnamaitri, from Dinslaken, Germany, reflecting on her practice as a teacher.
Last but not least is a German talk by Mokshasiddha, on his life and practice as a physician living in Berlin.
You'll find all these on the 'Talks and Resources' page of the website www.theurbanretreat.org .
On Facebook the 'Preparation' Event has been released, where people not living anywhere near a participating FWBO Centre can still participate fully. This links you to material on meditation, on creating a shrine, finding a retreat 'buddy', suggested daily programmes, retreat diaries, and lots more.
Hm, Mokshasiddha is "Arzt", this means "physician", not "artist".
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