What Buddhists do at Christmas - on the BBC

Their short series 'Christmas Voices' is taking a very short look each week at how people of other faiths celebrate Christmas. This week it was the Buddhists' turn.
Munisha says: "The interviewers asked me what Buddhists think about Jesus. I was sorry they didn't use the bit where I said most Buddhists worldwide have probably never heard of him! But it was very good that they featured Manchester's Chinese Buddhist temple as well as us. After all, minority ethnic groups account for about 60% of UK Buddhists but are very marginalised. (In case you wonder, the Chinese Buddhists were invited to be interviewed but none was willing.)"
Click here to see the programme on iPlayer.
Skip ahead to about 18 minutes – and stop when you see Munisha! (Note - this link may stop working after Dec 20th)
Labels: Interfaith, Manchester, media
I thought the video was a nice snippet of how Buddhists celebrate Xmas
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One thing we Buddhists could do on the 25th is celebrate Dr Ambekar's burning of the Manusmrti.
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