First retreat for NNBY Youth in Delhi
Maitriveer writes –
“For the first time, in the capital of the country – Delhi, we organised a gathering of the youth for four days. It was an energetic and inspired retreat, organised successfully by the National Network of Buddhist Youth (NNBY) and Dhammachakra Buddhist Centre; our newly opened TBMSG Centre in Delhi.
Approximately 120 Youths attended, coming from eight different states in North India (Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Maharashtra , Madhya Pradesh, and even Ladakh). The Theme for the event was ‘Ambedkar and Buddhism for the Youth’, we met in the Ladakh Buddhist Monastery.
“Even though people came from all over North India and were from different regions , cultures and Castes, they were able to form a common vision for the Casteless society based on the teaching of the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Buddha.
“The goal of the event was to infuse a new confidence and energy among the youths present; to make them sensitive to the spiritual life and to encourage them in their careers for the betterment of the fractured Indian society based on Caste. Most of the youths were from the so-called ‘Untouchable community’, so trying to understand the relevance of Buddhism in modern society in the light of Dr. Ambedkar’s Buddhist vision is of vital importance to them.
“NNBY and Dhammachakra Buddhist Centre is thankful for the Lama Londang Damchoe, Secretary of the Ladakh Buddhist Vihara, to the NNBY Nagpur team and the core team of the Prabuddha Bharat Vichar Manch, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
“With Maitri, Maitriveer Nagarjun”
NNBY is currently appealing for funds for their 2009 budget. They have created an on-line fundraising page introducing themselves, and are holding a world-wide sponsored meditation this coming Saturday night, the Full-Moon. Over 500 people are expected to take part in India, plus others in 7 countries.
Please see their special fundraising page at - all readers of FWBO News are invited to join us or to contribute! For the benefit of American readers, the FWBO's New York Sangha have created a dollar-based donations page at
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