New opportunities on FWBO Jobs...

These include opportunities at Taraloka, the FWBO’s retreat centre for women - and the UK’s ‘Retreat Centre of the Year’ (for the second time in three years!); for a finance worker at the North London Buddhist Centre, and for some of the Karuna Appeals later in the year.
The London Buddhist Centre is appealing for “men and women of vision” to take it forwards into its second thirty years of life – there are a variety of openings both in the Centre itself and in the various Right Livelihoods that surround it – and last but by no means least – there’s an opening in Jvalamalini’s dental practice in Bristol! This may sound incongruous but actually, it isn’t – it’s ethical, team-based work and she would prefer to work with people who share her values.
Since FWBO Jobs was launched in November last year it has had some 2,800 visitors; it’s become the easiest ‘one-stop’ shop to see what opportunities are available across the FWBO.
Other changes
There have been significant changes recently to the FWBO News website itself; regular readers who use our Feedblitz news-feed service are invited to take time to visit the site and its several sections.
Among other things three separate search facilities have been added to make it possible to easily find any specific people or events across the FWBO’s extensive and somewhat sprawling network of websites. You'll find these on the Resources page of the site; they search, respectively, the FWBO News archive; or all FWBO centre websites (over 100 to date); or the 170+ personal websites listed on FWBO People. A rich and, now, very accessible resource! The Order itself - now well over 1,500 men and women - can be seen co-creating the image of Avalokitesvara on the Order Mosaic section of the site, each little tile is clickable to reveal the whole person...
A tag listing facility has also been added giving one-click access to all stories on particular themes: clicking (for instance) the ‘Engaged Buddhism’ tag brings up all previous FWBO News stories on that theme.
We've added four ‘volumes’ of previous stories from FWBO News, each covering a two-month period and available in an easily-printable PDF document form. These are ideal for Centre reception rooms - taken together they reflect the remarkable diversity of events and projects going on around the FWBO and TBMSG Sanghas. You can find these too on the Resources section of the site; we envisage adding further volumes every couple of months.
Finally, by visiting the site itself you'll also be able to admire our visit counter, which shows the number of visitors and which country they come from – we have had over 33,000 visitors from nearly 150 countries since November last year…!
Suggestions for further enhancements are of course welcome.
Labels: jobs, Right Livelihood
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