They have brought the total number of Order Members to 1511 world-wide – and the total number of men in the Order to just over 1,000. The women’s wing reached 500 with the recent batch of Dhammacharini ordinations, also held in India.
The Public Preceptors were Sudarshan, Chandrasheel and Suvajra. Private Preceptors were the above plus Adityabodhi, Jutindhara and Amoghasiddhi
Madav K. Jagtap of Thane becomes Tejovajra, meaning Brilliant, Burning Vajra
Prakash C. Fulmali of Ulhasnagar becomes Sanghavajra (Samghavajra), Vajra of the Sangha
Ravi V. Kamble of Panvel becomes Vajrasambhava, Born of the Vajra
Indrajit S. Gayakwad of Ulhasnagar becomes Ratnavajra, Jewel Vajra
Keshav Ganvir of Nagpur becomes Karunasagar (Karunaasaagara, Ocean of Compassion
Madhukar Aate of Nagpur becomes Karunasena (Karunaasena, Having a Compassionate Army
Shivaji P. Awasarmal of Thane becomes Bodhikarma, One who has the Action of Bodhi
Shraddhadhar (Hiwarkar) Siddharth Uttamrao of Wardha becomes Udarasattva (Udaarasattva), Of noble character, generous minded
S.W.Nandeshvar of Nagpur becomes Kshantiwardhan (Ksantiwardhana), Strength of Patience
Kamlesh Tembhekar of Nagpur becomes Tejawardhan (Tejawardhana), Increasing Brilliance
D.J.Jambhulkar of Nagpur becomes Sheelawardhan (Siilawardhana), Prosperity of Ethics
Shivpal L. Panchabai of Nasik becomes Amogha, Infallible
Kisan B. Tambe of Mumbai becomes Manjucitta (Manjucitta), Gentle Heart or Mind
Arun P.Meshram of Wardha becomes Manjukirti (Manjukiirti), Renowned for Gentleness
Suresh S. Meshram of Yewatmal becomes Alokadarshin (Aalokadarsina), Insight of knowledge (light as accepted metaphor for knowledge)
Jinendra H. Gondane of Yewatmal becomes Manjudeep (Manjudiipa), Gentle Lamp
Karunakar Prasenajit of Amaravati becomes Amoghapriya, One who loves the 'infallible' (i.e. Enlightenment)
Eknath Bansode of Amaravati becomes Amritpriya, (Amrtapriya) One who loves the Deathless (i.e. Nirvana)
Bhiku S. Narwade of Amaravati becomes Vimalsiddhi (Vimalasiddhi), Attainment of Purity
Manik H. Gaikwad of Amaravati becomes Vimalratna (Vimalaratna), Pure Jewel
Narendra N. Nagrale of Wardha becomes Vajramani (Vajramani), Jewel Vajra
Kapil A. Shinde of Bhusawal/Dapodi becomes Buddhavajra, The Vajra of the Buddha and the name of one of Sangharakshita's teachers, Chatral Sangye Dorje
Mahendra V. Kamble of Panvel becomes Amoghamuni, Infallible Sage
Prashant S. Kamble of Panvel becomes Maitrisheel (Maitrisiila), Virtue of Friendliness
Praful M. More of Thane becomes Vasitkumar (Vaasitakumaaara), The Prince who lives (the holy life)
Gyaniwant R. Ramteke of Nasik becomes Ratnashur (Ratnasuura), Jewel-like Hero
Chandrakant S. Jadhao of Ulhasnagar becomes Abhayaditya (Abhayaaditya), The Fearless Sun
Dhaibhai C.Parmar of Gandhinagar, Gujarat becomes Dhairyasheel (Dhairyasiila), Virtue of Firmness
Devachand T. Ahire of Nasik becomes Ratnarakshit (Ratnaraksita), Protected by the Jewel
Sumedh V. Kausalyan of Goa becomes Jnanadarshin (Jnaanadarsina), Insight into Knowledge Prakash D. Parsekar of Goa becomes Anandadarshin (Aanandadarsina), Knowledge of Happiness
Kunkerkar Mahadeo Rama of Goa becomes Jinadarshin (Jinadarsina), Knowledge of the Conqueror
(Note: There is already a Ratnavajra in India and, if the two meet, the first one, from Latur, now becomes Maharatnavajra.)
All names have been checked by Prof. M. Deokar Head of Dept. of Pali and Buddhist Language, Pune University (and former Acting Head of Sanskrit Dept, Pune Univ.) and Dr L. Deokar of the Sanskrit/Tibetan Dictionary Project, Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies, Sarnath.
Labels: India, Ordination
Tell me Dharmacari(ni), are you here for the sake of the numbers, or are you here for the sake of the Dharma?
Sorry to strike a cynical note, but it sounds to me like a CEO announcing record profits.
It is really a milestone. the one step ahead to reach the goal of the new society based on the morality. This is the very good sign in the eve of the 4oth anniversary of the fwbo/tbm. this all happen due to the clearvison of the urgen sangharakshita I salute him and give him the wishes that he may have healthy long life to look after us and guide us on the of the nirvana.I also rejoyes in the merit of all our public and private preceptor, especially Dh. Suvajra who has taken us in the main stream of dhamma life.Dh. Subhuti who is give the full heart to the movement in India. I also rejoyes in the merit of Dh Rujumati who gives us training of 6 elements meditation practice alongwith sharing his experience and with the question and answer sestion. It is great pleasure to us to enter in the mahasangha. I know that the now we have the great responsibility on our shoulder to practice the 10 precept.but shurly we get that strength from all order members around the world. Sangha is fulfilling the dram of bodisatva dr. babasaheb ambedkar in every manner. so many this are there to share. lastly I give my best wishes for the 40th anniversary of sangh and also for the 115th birth anniversary of bodhisatva dr. babasaheb ambedkar to all family.
with lot of metta
Dh. Vasitkumar, Thane.
Hi Tenzin Dorje,
I'm also sorry that you are striking a cynical note because it cannot be good for you, and there are quite a number of cynical comments appearing lately.
This website is currently the only place where friends of the Western Buddhist Order can find out about people making a commitment to our Sangha. When I set it up, four years ago, our in-house magazine had recently folded, and there was no way to distribute news. As a multi-national movement we are widely spread around the world, and a blog seemed the easiest (and cheapest!) way to get news out to the people.
To answer your question - or Vimalakirti's question to Śariputra - no I am not here for the Dharma (as such), I am here (ie reading this website) for the Sangha. There are three jewels and it would be sad if we did not pay attention to all of them, don't you think? This is a newsletter by the FWBO for the FWBO, and although anyone can read it to find out more about our movement, you are not our primary audience.
Personally I love hearing about people joining our order, and in this case was doubly pleased because my good friend kapil became Buddhavajra. Sadhu my brother!
I hope you reconsider your cynicism, and join us in celebrating more beings committing themselves to the Dharma, "for", as our ordination vows say "the benefit of all beings".
Jayarava, I am glad you know what is good for me. I admit I have an unfortunate habit of imagining that the FWBO might not be what it thinks it is. In future I will restrain myself and cultivate the positive. Thank you for your help.
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