'Broken Voices' book launch continues in UK, US

Back in the UK an extended book launch tour is about to begin, with the following schedule - catch it if you can!
Monday March 31st - London Buddhist Centre (LBC) regulars night
Tuesday 1st April - Birmingham Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Thursday 3rd April - Manchester Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Thursday 3rd April - Cambridge Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Friday 4th April - Norwich Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Saturday April 5th Nottingham Buddhist Centre – special evening
Sunday 6th April – Sheffield Buddhist Centre – special afternoon event
Monday 7th April - Bristol Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Thursday 10th April – Cardiff Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Saturday 12th April – Croydon Buddhist Centre – mid day event
Monday 14th April - University of East London - 5pm
Tuesday 15th April – Brighton Buddhist Centre – regulars night
Friday April 18th Glasgow Buddhist Centre – special evening event
And finally, the OFFICIAL LAUNCH -
Thursday April 17th – Borders Bookstore, Charing Cross Road, 6.30pm
Each evening will consist of a talk followed by panel discussion and questions.
They will be hosted by the film maker/producer Pratibha Parmar; panellists include Sharmilla Beezmohun (Deputy Editor Wasafiri) , Dhammacharini Karunadeepa (from TBMSG, who has worked for many years in our women's social projects), Karunamaya (member of the TBMSG's Arya Tara Mahila Trust India), and Vimalasara (aka Valerie Mason-John, the author), who says – “We hope you will be able to join us at one of these events”.
After the UK comes the American launch, with a couple of dates arranged so far and more to come -
Saturday 26th April - 6pm San Francisco Buddhist Centre - everyone welcome
Monday 28th April - 6pm - Modern Times Book Store - the Mission San Francisco
Again a great opportunity for American Buddhists and others to learn more about their brothers and sisters in India.
The book itself is attracting positive critical reviews - 'one of the few books to write about casteism and the situation of Dalits in India impartially' Professor Bhau Lokhande (india); `these stories break the heart and stir the passions. Rage against this injustice is long overdue' Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.
Vimalasara has asked FWBO News to mention that all royalties are being donated to the work of the uplift of Dalit women in India.
Labels: Authors, engaged buddhism, UK
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