Day retreat in Guelph, Canada

Harshaprabha has sent this report to FWBO News -
“I made another visit to Ontario, Canada from 31 January till 7th February. The weather was real winter, with a big snowstorm which brought 300 mm of snow to Toronto and 250 mm to Guelph where I was staying. This was the third time it had snowed in the week I was there – but even though temperatures dropped to minus 16 with the wind-chill factor I never felt the cold there as much as I do in England!
“I led a day retreat on Sunday 3rd at a Yoga Studio in downtown Guelph. There were 16 of us for the first half of the day, slightly fewer after lunch. I was pleased to see that there were 3 new faces there including a woman who’d come because she met a friend who used to attend the FWBO's Colchester Centre at a conference near Vancouver. She teaches history at the University of Guelph.
“Duncan, Sue, Kerry and I worked out after the day that we could have had 26 people there if everyone who had an interest in the day and/or the FWBO turned up.
"The potential for a Sangha in Southern Ontario including Toronto is a real one. If you feel for this and / or would like to support my 7 monthly visits then do get in touch - email me, Harshaprabha. At present I fund it from my wages and savings. It would also be lovely to fund some of the friends to go on FWBO retreats as many have very little money.
"I keep in touch with my friends there by e-mail and the occasional phone call. Quite a few know each other from AA, therapy groups or Laugher Yoga! We’re a great little Sangha.
Labels: Canada, Dharmaduta
Duncan here from Guelph, just to say a big thankyou to Harshaprabha in being so persistent in maintaining contact with those of us here in Guelph Ontario. He has demonstrated his friendship to me many times. His enthusiasm and energy is truly inspiring, (at least from my perspective). May you be able to continue to spend time with us here in Canada.
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