An Urban Retreat in Malaysia

“Two days ago some 15 or 18 friends from Malacca, ranging in age from the late 20s to the 60s, embarked on an "Urban Retreat", probably the first ever to be held in Malaysia. Most of these friends have been practising in various contexts, and often for a good number of years. There are some experienced meditators amongst them, while others have done little sitting practice. We did a weekend retreat to introduce the practice, and then began the urban retreat proper. I'll be curious to see how they respond...
Since most of them do their reports to one another in Chinese, its a little difficult for me to see how well they are getting on. They certainly seem to enjoy it so far...!
My impressions so far are that most of them found the idea of daily check-ins with a "Dharma buddy" a little threatening, all the more so when I suggested they did it with another member of the group rather than their spouses! Over the next few days, in the evenings, we will be meeting up for Dharma discussion and study, exploring aspects of the 'unity of Buddhism'.!"
Click here for background information about Urban Retreats, as compiled by the Sheffield Buddhist Centre.
Dhammaloka will soon be visiting China, and we hope to bring you news from there as well.
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