FWBO Fundraisers Kula created

Saturday saw eighteen people from across the UK gather in Birmingham for the first meeting of what will become the FWBO Fundraisers Kula. Many are already involved in FWBO fundraising and others have plans to do so. Planned projects included new premises for the Leeds Buddhist Centre, a schools outreach project in Norwich, the development of the Theatre attached to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, the creation of a major land-based community by Buddhafield, and a proposed FWBO-wide Legacies appeal – watch this space! Besides introductions, the day included an intensive training offered by Samayasri, an Order Member who is also a professional fundraiser with WSPA, the World Society for the Protection of Animals , plus a ‘surgery’ where people presented their real-life issues and dilemmas around fundraising – many, not surprisingly, being around the area of ‘how do we fundraise as a Buddhist?’ More meetings are planned, and will offer more focussed training to meet specific needs.
Lokabandhu and Siddhisambhava were also there, from the FWBO’s ‘Development Team’. Lokabandhu commented afterwards, “For me, one of the most inspiring parts of the day was a definition of fundraising offered by Samayasri – she described it as a ‘conversation about unfulfilled ambition’, with the fundraiser as the link between someone's aspirations for the world and the means of making it come true.” I found those few words extraordinary, they completely shifted my image of what fundraising is about. I want to know more!”
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