Videosangha is the FWBO’s video website. Here you can find short movies on a very wide range of FWBO-related topics. The site has expanded dramatically in recent weeks and now boasts sections on FWBO History, Questions, Centres, Retreats, Meditation, Dharma, Social Work, Activism, and the Arts – to name but some. It's easy to contribute to - the creators say "Feel free to submit any video related to your involvement with Buddhism and the FWBO - however tenuous! Just upload your video to YouTube (for example), give it a tag of FWBO and we will import it automatically". You can also register on the Videosangha website and then review videos submitted by others - most recently, Ramesh teaching Bollywood dance at the Buddhafield Festival, Jayamati directing Sangharakshita's 'Going Forth' on the recent Order Convention, and a series of videos from our FWBO centres in Finland - rarely seen on these pages - such as the fast-moving, beautiful, and curious
Kamnitsanmatka minuutissa .

ClearVision provides educational audio-visual resources for students and teachers to explore Buddhism. This site too has become a rich treasure trove of material – besides selling
DVDs for teachers the ‘
Students’ section contains a mass of free material for children of all ages – all carefully graded to match children’s needs and interests plus the UK RE syllabi. There are four sections, one each for children aged
5-11 (with some wonderful stores from the Jataka tales),
11-14 (with an interactive Wheel of Life),
15-16 (with sections on religious authority, and citizenship, and finally
17-18 A-level students (where there's sections on human rights and responsibilities, also sex and relationships).
For teachers, and adults generally, there is their new audio CD of non-religious ‘
stilling exercises’ and a fascinating collection of on-line
art by Western Buddhists.
Labels: Clear Vision, Education, Video
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