FWBO Day in Essen, Germany

This year the celebrations will be spread over the entire weekend (31 March/1 April), because there is more than one birthday to celebrate. On Saturday we will start with Bhante's Going Forth 60 years ago. Khemasiri from Holland will give a talk on Bhante based on her pilgrimage last year to places where Bhante lived in India.
On Sunday we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of A Survey of Buddhism, Bhante's major work. Dharmapriya will talk about Bhante's thought. In the afternoon Lalitaratna will give a talk on the first forty years of the FWBO.
Each talk will be followed by a puja: on Saturday a Buddha Puja and on Sunday pujas for the Dharma and Sangha . The talks and the pujas will be in English, with the Heart Sutra in French, German, and Dutch (Translations of the talks into French, German, and Dutch will be provided.)
Labels: Celebrations, FWBO
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