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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Dhammakranti Retreat ends at Bodh Gaya, all eyes turn to Nagpur

The Dhammakranti Retreat at Bodh Gaya ended yesterday, with many now making their way 1000 miles south to Nagpur in Maharastra, where Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism on 14th October 1956. Due to Indians following a lunar calendar, the anniversary is to be celebrated principally on 2nd – when a great gathering of Buddhists are expected there for mass conversions. Watch this space for news.

The retreat had a difficult start due to bad weather, however this did nothing to dampen the spirits of those who attended. Almost every participant was Indian and most Indian states were represented on the retreat, despite the distances many had to travel, plus the difficulties of the journey. Santosh, one of the main organisers from the Dhammakranti Team, says “Every morning and evening around 500 people walked to the Bodhitree for Meditation and Pooja, even in heavy rain no one cared - people were so inspired and ready to cross every difficulty to reach the Tree.”

Lokeshvara (from UK, in India for the first time) says “Flying into Patna at night, in low cloud and heavy rain the landing was aborted twice at the last moment. The third time we broke through the cloud a few seconds before landing with the pilot thumping the plane onto to the ground and getting a well deserved round of applause. Bihar is the poorest and wildest state of India. Armed guards travelled on the train to Gaya, though in Bodh Gaya I felt safe. Every day morning and night the retreat processed to the Bodhi Tree, the seat of the Buddha's enlightenment, a 30 minute walk past shops, hawkers, cafes and temples. The first night the electricity was out so we walked in the dark and rain, and sat in the Maha Bodhi temple grounds in front of the Bodhi tree and recited puja together.”

As well as the immediate effects on the retreatants, the event marked significant cooperation among the Buddhist groups in Bodh Gaya, many of whom had had little contact with Ambedkarite Buddhists before – even though many live in Bodh Gaya, in a poor district behind the Chinese Temple known as ‘Siddharth Nagar’. Santosh says “Most of the Monasteries were impressed by our Presentation and the hard work of the team. They appreciated us a lot, and the Secretary to the Mahabodhi Society of India asked us to arrange again every year. He is willing to provide us free accommodation and to arrange sponsorship of the food each day from different Monasteries of Bodhgaya. All these are in discussion but still we are happy to at least float the Idea of Brotherhood among all the Buddhist sects which are settled at Bodh Gaya.”


Lotus in the City - new LBC video

Lotus in the City is a new film about the LBC and the people who come to it. It was made by Upeksapriya and Maitreyabandhu.

Maitreyabandhu writes - It consists entirely of very short interviews with people who come along to the centre – something like 50 people. There's no voiceover, no title lines, no shots of meditation, or ritual, just people talking directly to camera. It is 54 mins long but made up of ‘chapters’ – such as getting involved, meditation, retreats, families, communities, the Right Livelihood businesses. In a completely non-hierarchical way it communicates what we do and why, and how it feels to be involved in the LBC sangha.

It could be shown in short sections as it cuts well into two 20min-ish films. We are in process of putting some of it on to our website. On the DVD (availalbe from the LBC) it has two extras – one on the early history of the Centre and one on the arts. Personally I think it really communicates very well something of the richness and diversity in the people around the Centre - it's warm, funny and inspiring.

Check it out on Upeksapriya's blog -

Friday, September 29, 2006

Dharmadhuta returns to Hungary

Dharmadhuta returns to Hungary

Readers of FWBO News will remember that in April this year, students of the Dharmadhuta Study Course based in Birmingham went to Hungary to deepen the FWBO's connection with Romany gypsies who had become interested in Dr. Ambedkar and Buddhism. In September five students returned there with Subhuti and Sagaramati. Anne Barrey writes:

Our particular purpose was to run a retreat for the mitras, but also to carry on the connections made during our first trip. We had spent time in class with Subhuti, preparing to undertake this work in a context full of challenges, especially the differences in language and culture and connecting with people who are marginalized and excluded in their own country. We were able to take advantage of our learning from the April trip and the parallels with the movement’s work in India.

Although there was some sense of familiarity around the experiences on this second visit, it was as challenging as the first trip had been and very much a practice of ‘being in the moment’. We found ourselves located in a village in the north east of the country very near the Ukraine border, seven hours train travel from Budapest. The facility we were accommodated in is a base for a number of community programs, including a kindergarten, computer training, domestic and catering services and accommodation for students and their families. This is also where Tibor (see previous article) hopes to set up another Kis Tigris (‘Tiger’s Milk’ – a phrase used by Dr. Ambedkar to point to the benefits of education – ed.) school for Romany (Gypsy) people in the region.

Another significant difference to the first visit was the gender composition of our group. Due to the ground work of Tibor, Janos and Klari, a teacher at Kis Tigris, and their visits to families, three young gypsy women were able to travel away from home and be a part of this event. In our group of twenty people over the five days, we had eight women and twelve men, radically different to the one lone woman and twenty men the first time around!

The challenge for “the Birmingham group” (as Tibor dubbed us) was letting go of our collective plans and individual aspirations. A clash of cultures it certainly was and the challenge of communication was a big theme of the week. Out of these struggles and frustrations arose the practice of ksanti, much positive work was done on all sides. Differences in language, education, class, life experience and ways of thinking, demanded a real effort to meet one another on some common ground. What emerged from such effort was a lot of good will and some memorable and fun times, playing ‘getting to know you’ games, acting out stories from the life of the Buddha, doing presentations on a diverse range of subjects, ranging from the caste system in India to the history of Indo-European languages and simply relaxing together, dancing to gypsy music sounding forth from the ghetto blaster or swimming in the river under the hot, hot sun.

Making connections and developing friendships was certainly the most tangible and visible effect of our time in Hungary. As for teaching meditation and sharing the Dharma, it remains to be seen how well we planted our seeds and how effective we can be in tending them. Ten days after departing there, two of our Hungarian gypsy friends, mitras Istvan and Aniko, have arrived in England to spend time with us here and experience sangha in Birmingham. Who knows what might take shape next?

Anne Barrey, a student on the Dharma-Dhuta course at Madhyamaloka
See for the Dharmaduta blog.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dhammakranti Retreat underway at Bodh Gaya - 650 attending

We promised you regular updates from the Dhammakranti Retreat now underway at Bodh Gaya. Communications are not easy at such a distance, but a mixture of emails and text messages (!) have enabled us to bring this report. Santosh says:

Lokabandhu, now rain is less. Still it is raining but not continuously. Weather is cool and soothing. Governor of Bihar (ed: a Buddhist) was supposed to inaugurate program but couldn’t because of bad weather. But it didn’t affect the Intensity and charm of the retreat. Every day most of those present are making the 1km journey to the Mahabodhi Temple itself, place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment.

Lokabandhu, it was great inauguration of the Retreat with Subhuti. 650 people are present, many have travelled up to 1,000 miles across India. Programme started at 3.00pm with Lama Gyaltesen from France, Bhante Sumati from the Tibetan ‘Root Institute’ next door, and Bhante Niranjana jointly inaugurating it with Subhuti, all speaking for a short time to bless the retreat. Sumati emphasized TBMSG’s importance and praised it for doing real work to change society in India. He also emphasized to the people present that they must take this event at the Land of Buddha very seriously and try to let the Dhamma percolate to the bottom of their hearts and then from there outwards, to change the Mind and Society.

Subhuti nicely coordinated those present by saying that Babasaheb Ambedkar wanted Liberty Fraternity, and Equality for all, repeating Ambedkar’s saying that these came not from the French Revolution but from “My master, the Buddha”, and that people should go to that religion which gives them humanity and liberty. He also mentioned beautiful consolidation of Hinayana and Mahayana as represented by the monks from different traditions on the stage.

Kumarjiv anchored the programme. He says, “The theme is ‘Changing the Mind, Changing the World’, and the four-fold Dhammakranti ‘action plan’ is being studied: (1) work on ourselves, (2) form sangha, (3) share Dhamma (4) help those who are suffering”. Over the past two or three years Subhuti and others have toured the length and breadth of India hammering home this simple formula – he says “In order to change India, one must start by changing one Indian - oneself. We can't expect others to participate in the Dhamma-Kranti unless we ourselves participate. So the Dhamma-Kranti begins with Self-Kranti - 'Self Revolution'. We do that by following the Buddha’s path of sila, samadhi and prajna. Sila means revolutionising our relations with other people. Samadhi means revolutionising our experience of ourselves, and Prajna means revolutionising our ideas, attitudes, and understanding.”

We hope to bring you more reports over the coming days.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dhammakranti retreat begins at Bodh Gaya - heavy rain but team is undaunted

This weekend in India sees the start of our second large ‘Dhammakranti’ retreat this year.

It’s massive – they are expecting anything up to 4,000 people – and represents a major leap forwards – and a substantial risk – by the team. It’s being held at Bodh Gaya, in the remote north-eastern state of Bihar, always a difficult place to do business and far away from TBMSG’s ‘heartland’ in central Maharashtra. Besides the obvious Buddhist connection, they chose Bodh Gaya as part of their determination to ‘break out’ and spread the Dhamma beyond existing Buddhists. The 50th anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar’s conversion is the perfect opportunity, and they have seized it.

We hope to publish more-or-less daily reports of the retreat, starting today. The whole project of Dhammakranti (‘Dhamma Revolution’) , must be one of the most exciting things happening in the FWBO/TBMSG network, we hope these reports will give at least a small flavour of that.

Shortly after the retreat they are expecting many thousands of people from other communities to convert to Buddhism; these mass conversions will be in Nagpur and the Dhammakranti team are appealing for funds to assist the new Buddhists. Students of Ambedkar will remember his deep disappointment at the lack of response from the wider Buddhist world when he converted - along with 380,000 followers – in 1956. Let us do better this time! Watch this space for further details…

Report from Santosh, member of the Dhammakranti team, presently in Bodh Gaya, Bihar. Dated 22/9/06.

Dear Lokabandhu,

So nice to read u. I would love to write u every day if time allows me.

Now I am in Bodh Gaya, more than 400 participants are turned up and people are still arriving. All the team members are working hard for the retreat. We are going to begin this retreat with welcome talk and introduction of the delegates. Just before 35 minutes I had talk with Subhuti, and he is leaving for Bodhgaya today. He will be here early next morning.

We constructed the huge pandal for the shrine like in Nagpur, but because of heavy and continuous raining many of our plannings are in difficult situation. There is a Lotus pond with Buddha's statue outside of tent, also the beautiful flags on the road.

People are very inspired because they are in the Land where Buddha achieved Enlightenment. Lokabandhu there is a very new kind of enthusiasm among the people, And more deep feeling for Babasaheb Ambedkar and for the Buddha’s land.

Sorry for my rough typing,

I will be in touch with u. take care. with metta. Santosh


Western Buddhists gather to support Ambedkar


"Bringing together so many Buddhists from radically different traditions was a major feat in itself. In the past the Network of Buddhist Organisations has brought different Buddhists together to look at their differences. This event was remarkable in that it brought them together to look at and address the issues in the real world - issues facing the Dalit communities of India". This was the comment of Dhammarati from FWBO about the conference "The Dhamma Revolution in India: 50 years on" organised by the NBO and Karuna Trust.

The conference was held in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the mass conversions to Buddhism initiated by the famous Dalit leader Dr Ambedkar. Speakers who arrived from India spoke about the wave of fresh conversions – expected to be in the hundreds of thousands - anticipated on the occasion of this golden jubilee. Indian Buddhism had been almost wiped out up until 1956, yet due to almost exclusively to Ambedkar there are now more than 10 million Buddhists in India. However this new Buddhist community still faces deprivation and exclusion as a result of the caste system.

The conference was attended by over 60 including representatives of the FWBO, the Karuna Trust, Soka Gakkai International, the Network of Buddhist Organisations and the Network of Engaged Buddhists, Dhagpo Kagyu Mandala from France, the Amida Trust, Sangha Seva, the Western Chan Fellowship, the UK-based Federation of Ambedkarite organisations, Dalits from India as well as individuals from other Buddhist organisations in the UK. Among others they heard presentations by Manidhamma (TBMSG), Subhuti (FWBO), Ian Findlay (Open Way Zen), and Claire Bertschinger (the SGI nurse who inspired Live Aid). Speakers emphasised the urgent need for more Buddhist teachers and organisations to get involved with the Dalit Buddhist movement, also the desire to work together to make Ambedkar and his work much better known in the West.

Workshops looked at the issues around the self-empowerment of the Dalits and the need to take the Dhamma to these communities. In addition there was a concert given by the sitar virtuoso Baluji Shrivastau who identified himself with the work for the Dalit cause. "I feel honoured to take part in this momentous event" he said to the packed shrine room of the North London Buddhist Centre.

Saul Deason and Suddhaka


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Educate, Agitate, Organize - Remembering Dr. Ambedkar in San Francisco

Educate, Agitate, Organize
Remembering Dr. Ambedkar in San Francisco
A Presentation by Ann Dennehy and Viradhamma - September 20

On Wednesday the San Francisco Buddhist Centre had an evening at their weekly Sangha night celebrating Dr. Ambedkar. This is perhaps the first of a series of such events around the FWBO/TBMSG commemorating the anniversary of Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism in October 1956. Ann Dennehy has sent this report from San Francisco:

I was very inspired by Bhante’s book, which I read a few years ago, and was amazed at how few people had ever heard of this tremendous man, his accomplishments, and his connection to us through Buddhism. So, as the October anniversary of the Great Mass Conversion approaches (October 14th), Viradhamma and I decided to lead an evening sharing stories about Dr. Ambedkar and his legacy.

We began the evening with a meditation around a beautiful, simple shrine Megan Curran had created with Dr. Ambedkar in mind. After a short tea break and equipment set-up we began our presentation. I spoke first, drawing mostly from Bhante’s book Ambedkar and Buddhism’ and taped lectures and from Christopher Queen’s article in a 1993 ‘Tricycle’. My presentation was in six parts:

1. An overview of Dr. Ambedkar
2. Untouchability and the Caste System
3. Dr. Ambedkar's Personal History/Vision for a New Society
4. The Indian Independence Movement- Political and Social Change in India
5. Why Buddhism?
6. The Great Mass Conversion - 400,000 people

At various points in the presentation I had other members of the Sangha read quotes from and about Dr. Ambedkar, so it felt like Dr. Ambedkar’s message was all around us.

The second part of the presentation was Viradhamma and his slides from his trip to India last year. As he spoke he said how this journey had changed his life. His passion and excitement were contagious. The pictures he had, mostly of people he had met, made the evening very personal. It gave a human face to the Dalit community, the Buddhist Sangha in India, and Ambedkar’s tremendous influence. It was inspiring to hear from Viradhamma, through his photos and his stories how much respect and admiration the Dalits have for Dr. Ambedkar, and how his call to ‘educate, agitate, organize’ continues to echo throughout India, and across continents to us here in California.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Action against Climate Change

There was a significant Buddhist presence at last week's 'Camp for Climate Action', which culminated in a nonviolent protest against the Drax coal-fired power station in Yorkshire, UK.

There were a number of FWBO people at the camp, including Guhyapati, Maitrisara, Vidyasuri, Samagita, Padmakara, Akuppa and others. Their contribution to the camp ranged from taking part in discussions about the relationship between faith and climate change; giving shoulder massages; being part of the legal support team for the protest; making biscuits; offering trauma support; communicating with power station employees; contributing to a pre-protest ritual; as well as taking part in the nonviolent direct action itself.

While the protest did not achieve its symbolic aim of closing the plant down, it did succeed in attracting widespread media coverage and in highlighting the urgency of the issue. The power station is the biggest coal-fired power station in Europe, and the largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the UK. Despite firm scientific evidence about its role in bringing about dangerous climate change, the UK is presently increasing its reliance on coal.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Buddhist Graveyard for Sweden

On Sunday the 3rd of September the local Buddhists of Stockholm inaugurated a Buddhist graveyard, just south of Stockholm. About 50 people attended, with representatives from one Sri Lankan and two Thai Theravada groups, two Tibetan Groups (Karma Tenpe Gyaltsen and Sakya Changchub Chöling), Friends of the Western Buddhist Order, a Zen group (Zenbuddhistiska Samfundet - The Zen Buddhist Society) and a western Vipassana meditation group. The ceremony was introduced by Trudy Fredriksson from Karma Tenpe Gyaltsen and then there were a number of recitations from: the Theravada bhikkhus, a Tibetan lama, myself and a story from the Theragatha told by Marie Ericson. We were blessed with both torrential rain and warming sun. Where the birch pole is seen, a stupa will be erected in time. Pictures of the event can be found on Viryabodhi's Flickr site.

There was a good and harmonious atmosphere and in his talk Lama Tsultrim remarked that we all belong to the same big Buddhist Family, and that we basically practice the same teachings. The Graveyard project is the latest result of the co-operation between Buddhists who are members of Sveriges Buddhistiska Samarbetsråd (the "Swedish Buddhist Council").

Friday, September 08, 2006

Launch date for Free Buddhist Audio

We're thrilled to announce the launch date for the new, free download and streaming service from the Dharmachakra sound and text archives.

The site is presently in beta testing and will go live on December 1st 2006 — with over 500 recordings in various languages to listen to online or download. Many of the talks will be indexed and audio-searchable, to help you find the information you need quickly — and we'll be adding more every week. We'll also be making available (for the first time) an extensive, fully searchable, online text library of seminars and talks on many aspects of the Buddhist path.

For screenshots, podcasts, and free introductory talks, visit


Thursday, September 07, 2006

European Chairs’ Assembly

– report of July 2006 meeting at Taraloka by Lokabandhu

This is a short report of what happened on the July 2006 meeting at Taraloka of the Chairmen/women of European FWBO centres. Since it was the first one I had attended I can’t give much of a historical perspective, on the other hand everything was new and therefore fresh to me.

24 Chairs came for the full 10 days, plus a further 6 for part of it. There were 2 apologies and a further 6 non-Chairs present for various reasons. Altogether, it was a substantial gathering of folk seriously involved in the institutions of the FWBO. Taraloka hosted us warmly and well, the weather helping with brilliant sunshine pretty much every day.

The meeting started with a series of welcomes to newcomers – 3 were there for the first time. The tradition is for newcomers to be ‘introduced’ to the meeting by a friend already present; in my case I was introduced by Ratnarashi. Ratnabodhi and Amaraketu were also there for the first time, from Croydon and Bristol respectively. A parallel tradition is the goodbyes; these were spread through the meeting as some chairmen who were stepping down had to leave before the end. In due course we therefore rejoiced in the merits of Jnanagarbha, Satyadaka, and Manjudeva, from Croydon, Norwich , and North London .

The first day was a day of practice, sessions of meditation interspersed with small groups for people to say hello and ‘report in’ to one another. This felt a spacious and appropriate way to get going. Day Two saw the start of more serious talking, with an extended period dedicated to collecting a list of ‘issues’ on the minds of those present. Jnanamitra led us in a process of brainstorming, collating, and prioritising these – a useful way of seeing how the land lay, from a Chairs’ point of view at least. There was a slight sense of déjà vu at the end of this process, leading to speculation that some of the issues (eg, depth vs. responding to objective issues) were perennial and we could take their presence for granted in future –thus, freeing us to use the same time to go into them deeper.

Day Three saw Vajragupta and Lokabandhu begin a series of presentations about their work and plans so far for the ‘FWBO Development Team’. They began with a series of 20 or more ‘Bright Ideas’ they had picked up from an extended series of visits to UK Centres over the Spring. Each of which was in use at at least one centre and potentially transferable to others. Not surprisingly this seemed to go down very well and many of the postcards on which they were printed were collected by interested parties – some taking just one or two, some the whole set. Satyadarshin, also part of the Development Team, arrived about this time and began a series of web surgeries. Vajragupta introduced ideas for replacing FWBO Day with a summer ‘FWBO Retreat’ starting in 2008 at Taraloka, this was adopted with enthusiasm – watch this space for further details... Lokabandhu outlined his ideas for a ‘Survey’ of those most involved in the Order and Movement - their interests, lifestyles, and views, and after discussion it was agreed, a little cautiously, that he continue to work on this and make a further presentation before launching it. Ideas for a web-based FWBO/TBMSG Newsletter were also discussed and it was agreed to support someone, probably Jayarava, part-time to work on this.

The last major discussion covered the proposed post of ‘Dharma Teaching Coordinator’, a job that had always been seen as being part of the Development Team but been delayed pending further discussion. It was agreed to try to fund two part-time posts, one to research, collate, and disseminate good teaching material across the Movement; one more specifically to develop a detailed syllabus for the Mitra Mandala Course. The proposal now goes to the men’s and women’s Mitra Convenors meetings and, providing they are agreeable, into a recruitment process. Hopefully someone will be found to start work early next year.

All along there was a program of morning and afternoon meditation, evening puja, plenty of free time in the afternoons, good internet access for those so inclined, and enthusiastic sessions of volleyball after supper. Giant ‘Graffiti Boards’ in the dining area allowed people to make comments on anything to do with the meeting as we went along, by the end they had build up into a fascinating mosaic and I found myself photographing them all for future reference. One comment early on read “Wednesday – the most effective Chairs meeting I’ve ever attended”, another read “I ' m impressed: people able to hold and express strong differences of opinion and stay in harmony”. Another just read “Kool!”! Behind the scenes the Chairs’ Executive – six of us – met every evening to review how things were going and make any adjustments to the program. Towards the end of the week Samayasri, a professional fundraiser based in Croydon, came to give us a day’s training. For me this was one of the most exciting parts of the whole week – I was immediately inspired by her definition of fundraising as ‘a conversation about unfulfilled ambition’ and the fundraiser as ‘the link between someone’s aspirations for the world and the possible means of making them come true’. Fascinating stuff.

On the last day we held what’s known as the ‘Business Meeting’, a tightly-structured affair where formal decisions are taken covering many of the discussions of the previous week. Generally money is involved and it’s therefore necessary to consider all the items together and see how much money is available. Most European centres have a long-standing tradition of pooling some of their income into what is known as the ‘Central Dana System’, this produces a ‘pot’ of about £77,000/year which the Chairs’ meeting distributes. The total available has been slowly shrinking over the past few years, however somewhat to our surprise this year the requests were all fundable and so the discussion went fairly simply and smoothly, skilfully chaired by a slightly-nervous-but-you’d-never-have-guessed Karunadaka.

The penultimate evening saw Adiccabandhu and Amaraketu making presentations about their centres, Blackburn and Bristol – two very different places at very different stages in their evolution. This is also a traditional part of the event, it’s a fascinating and intimate glimpse into the workings of different Sanghas. Before that, one evening saw a series of ten-minute talks on any subject dear to the heart of anyone present – a rich collection indeed.

And finally, on the last morning Padmavajra and Vajradarshini came to visit, to talk about the current state of the ordination processes for men and women, Padmaloka and Tiratanaloka. This had been specially requested by the Chairs, who had felt rather out of touch with - but very affected by - the changes in both those places. And then it ended, a ten-day meeting-cum-retreat-cum-holiday for thirty of the busiest people in the FWBO – who came looking for a holiday as well as a retreat as well as being willing to address the necessary business. The meeting tried to do all those things and did it well, or at least as well as was humanly possible. The next meeting is in January, at Vimaladhatu retreat centre in Germany , despite the necessary travel I suspect most of us are looking forwards to it already.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Urgyen Tulip - Update

The tulip which was named after Urgyen Sangharakshita by the Dutch speaking Sanghas are now for sale from a website. Proceeds from the sales are going towards buying a retreat centre for the Netherlands and Flanders. The website is attractively designed and is in English and Dutch.

In the UK you can get hold of the bulbs from Evolution Shops. With Autumn approaching (in the northern hemisphere anyway!) now is the time to get the bulbs and plant them.